Concert In Favor Of Flood-Troubled, Distressed Dogs And Animal Shelters

  • 1 Jul 2010 1:00 AM
Concert In Favor Of Flood-Troubled, Distressed Dogs And Animal Shelters
"Due to the flood not merely the people, but even dogs have been left without a lid. The fate of many thousands of animals turned tragic when the water flooded the houses and the shelters admitting abandoned animals. Families that were placed at temporary homes did not have the possibility to take their faithful dogs to their new accomodations.

Animals are even more defenceless than people. Caring for our beloved animals shows our humanity. Huge social clamping has already started in the interest of the people in trouble. But our help is provided for the most defenceless beings, the animals belonging to our fellowmen, and that are most in need, and that require our social responsibility, the pledge of our solidarity, thus we can show an example for the next generation to follow.

Date and time: 8th July 2010. (Thursday) at 8 p.m.
Place: Városmajori Szabadtéri Színpad (open-air theatre)

Performances presented by: Zorán, Pa-Dö-Dő, Keresztes Ildikó, Gerendás Péter, Irishfeet and Bloomhorne bands, Szekeres Attila and Balázs Gergely’s improvisations, and additional surprises.

Presenters: Hegyi Barbara and Azurák Csaba

Organizers: The open-air theatre, Vigyél Haza Alapítvány (Take Me Home Foundation), Zöld Zebra Állat- és Természetvédő Egyesület (Green Zebra Association for Animal and Nature Protection) and the Felelős Állatbarátok Egyesülete (Association of Liable Animal Friends)

The patron of the programme: Keveházi Krisztina, solo dancer of the Opera House
Ticket prices: 3 000 and 2 000 HUF/ticket
Tickets are available at online, or at the concerned theatre's box office s well as at usual ticket selling places.
Aim: Every Forint coming in from the purchase of tickets will be directly spent to help the distressed shelters and the dogs living there.

The artists will not charge anything for their performances, while the organizers and the volunteers will do their work absolutely free of charge, in their spare time. Although we would like the event to serve as a real cultural experience at high standard together with the Szabadtéri Színház (open-air theratre), our main aim is to draw the attention to the problem, and to give something as well in exchange of the tickets bought with helping intention.

The amount coming from donations will be kept on a separated bank account and will be completely spent on helping the shelters. Our supporters and donors will be informed about the fate of their donations in details, documented.

We expect donations to 11714006-20446624 bank account number.
We also accept additional help at an SMS donation line: 1784
Send this text in your SMS: adomany (300 HUF/ SMS)
In two months following the concert, the whole income will go to the separated account mentioned.

For further information contact:

Óvári András
Vigyél Haza alapítvány
Mobile: +36 209 380 380

Kardos Szilvia
Zöld Zebra Állat-and Természetvédő Egyesület
Mobile: +36 20 582 6384

Temesváry Krisztina
Felelős Állatbarátok Egyesülete
Mobile: +36 30 286 2055

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