Heavier Fines For Traffic Violations In Hungary

  • 16 Apr 2012 9:10 AM
Heavier Fines For Traffic Violations In Hungary
"Drivers who violate traffic rules face heftier fines from April 15, as a new law on misdemeanours went into effect on Sunday. On-site fines imposed on drivers can range from Ft 5,000 to Ft 50,000. Drunk drivers could be fined Ft 30,000-35,000 on the spot and Ft 60,000-100,000 if they pay the fine at a later date.

National Police executive Ildikó Kincses told Kossuth Rádió on Sunday that crossing double lines, illegal overtaking, violation of priority regulations and use of mobile phones while driving will entail stricter punishments from today."

Source: Hungary Around the Clock

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