Now On: Csernus Memorial Studio, Castle Bazaar

  • 31 Mar 2016 9:06 AM
Now On: Csernus Memorial Studio, Castle Bazaar
This exhibition pays homage to Tibor Csernus, one of the most important Hungarian painters of the twentieth century, who lived and worked in Paris from the mid-1960s until his death 2007. The memorial Studio is organised by the Gábor Kovács Art Foundation (KOGART) in cooperation with Várgondnokság Kft.

In the spring of 2009 KOGART brought back to Hungary the artistic estate of Tibor Csernus. This included, among hundreds of paintings and drawings, the furnishings of his Parisian studio. The heir of the artist donated these fittings and other items to KOGART with a view to setting up a memorial studio that would evoke the atmosphere and environment of Csernus’s original studio.

Installed as a permanent exhibition on the third floor of the Guards’ Palace (Northern Palace) in the Castle Garden Bazaar, the studio affords an insight not only into Tibor Csernus’s intimate, everyday life, but the unique objects collected over a lifetime dedicated to art.

The interior evokes the atmosphere of the artist’s studio on the first floor of the Bateau-Lavoir artists’ house in Montmartre, Paris, together with his personal articles, furniture and tools. In addition to the paintings, the visitor will find personal items such as the artist’s favourite aeroplane models, his easel and the painting chair on wheels he used in his last years.

Spanning over half a century, Csernus’s oeuvre assumes a crucial role in Hungarian and international art. All of that is rendered palpable in the artist’s reconstructed studio, which gives a personal touch to his work, bringing him, closer to the viewer.

The exhibition is open daily (except Mondays) from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. in the Northern Palace (Testőrpalota - Guards’ Palace).

On display until 14 September 2016.


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