Higher GDP Growth Forecast For Hungary

  • 19 Apr 2018 11:31 AM
  • Hungary Matters
Higher GDP Growth Forecast For Hungary
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) raised its projection for Hungary’s GDP growth this year to 3.8% in its fresh World Economic Outlook published on Tuesday.

The projection was raised from 3.4% in a forecast released last October. Hungary’s government projects a 4.3% GDP growth this year.

 Consumer price inflation will rise to 2.7% in 2018 and to 3.3% in 2019, the IMF said.

 The unemployment rate is expected to fall to 3.8% this year and to 3.5% next year.

The current account surplus is set to narrow to 2.5% of GDP in 2018 and to 2.4% in 2019.

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