Hungary's October 23 Commemoration To Start On October 22

  • 22 Oct 2019 11:39 PM
  • Hungary Matters
Hungary's October 23 Commemoration To Start On October 22
The Budapest events marking the anniversary of the 1956 uprising against communist rule will start on October 22 and include a torch-lit march, concerts and other events, the government’s website said.

Commemorations will start with a wreath-laying ceremony at the memorial near Budapest’s Technical University on October 22, with former prime minister Péter Boross and Innovation and Technology Minister László Palkovics giving speeches ahead of the traditional torch-lit march to Bem square, where concerts will conclude the event.

On October 23, the national flag will be hoisted in a ceremony in front of Parliament at 9am, ahead of day-long programmes on Kossuth Square and other venues.

The traditional “Freedom concert” at the Millenáris events venue will conclude the commemorations in the evening.

The Hungarian crown in Parliament and the House of Terror museum will be open to the public free of charge on October 23rd.

MTI Photo: Máthé Zoltán

Related links

Official Events Schedule For Hungary’s October 23 Holiday

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