'CAFe Budapest Contemporary Arts Festival' @ Palace Of Arts, 4 – 20 October

  • 26 Jun 2019 7:18 AM
  • Mupa - Palace of Arts
'CAFe Budapest Contemporary Arts Festival' @ Palace Of Arts, 4 – 20 October
Organized now for the 28th time, this year’s CAFe Budapest Contemporary Arts Festival will be held between 4 and 20 October, 2019.

From contemporary music to theatre premieres, from popular music and jazz to dance and visual art, the art of our times will again be highlighted in the Hungarian capital during the seventeen days of the event series, which is realized in cooperation between Müpa Budapest, the Budapest Festival and Tourism Centre, and the Hungarian Tourism Agency.

Beside the work of Béla Bartók, this year's festival focuses on the art of another major Hungarian composer, Péter Eötvös. The affiliated events of CAFe Budapest will again include the Budapest Ritmo world music festival, the Art Market Budapest and the Margó Literary Festival and Book Fair.

As earlier, the events will be hosted, among others, by Müpa Budapest, Liszt Academy, BMC, Akvárium Klub, A38 Ship, the Várkert Bazár (Castle Garden Bazaar), Pesti Vigadó, Uránia National Film Theatre and the Trafó House of Contemporary Arts.

CAFe Budapest Contemporary Arts Festival

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Mupa - Palace of Arts

Müpa is regarded as Hungary's top cultural brand, and the most modern cultural institution in the capital. It opened its doors in 2005 to provide events of international quality to a diverse audience, bringing together all the varied disciplines of the arts in a unique fashion. To this day it provides a cutting-edge home for classical, contemporary, popular and world music, jazz and opera, as well as contemporary circus, all types of dance, literature and film.

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