2020 Public Holidays In Hungary

  • 27 Aug 2020 9:35 AM
2020 Public Holidays In Hungary
There are many bank holidays, and some extra ‘rest days’ in Hungary this year. As you can see from the easy to read lists below, instead of having one free day in the middle of the work week, Hungarians usually prefer to have long weekends in exchange for a Saturday that would otherwise be a ‘rest day’.

Depending on which day of the week a bank holidays falls on, the previous or the following day is deemed to be a ‘rest day’ to make a long weekend for employees to enjoy.

In these cases, Saturday is usually declared a working day instead, to keep the number of work days the same during the year.

National holidays and rest days in 2020

* 10 – 13 April  (Friday - Monday): Good Friday - Easter Monday 
* 1 May (Friday): Labour Day 
* 31 May – 1 June (Sunday - Monday): Pentecost 
* 20 - 21 August (Thursday - Friday): Stephen’s Day or the Day of the New Bread + rest day 
* 23 October (Friday): commemoration of the revolution in 1956
* 1 November (Sunday): All Hallows Day
* 24 December (Thursday): rest day 
* 25 – 26 December (Friday - Saturday):  1st and 2nd day of Christmas 
* 1 January 2021 (Friday): New Year’s Day

* 15 March (Sunday): commemoration of the revolution in 1848

Long Weekends In 2020

* 10 – 13 April: 4-day long weekend
* 1 – 3 May: 3-day long weekend
* 31 May – 1 June: 3-day long weekend
* 20 – 23 August: 4-day long weekend
* 23 – 25 October: 3-day long weekend
* 24 –27 December: 4-day long weekend

Working Saturdays in Hungary in 2020

29 August (for long weekend 20 – 23 August)
* 12 December (for a Christmas holiday of 24 – 27 December)

Special days which are not public holidays

Around the end of the year there are two “short” days, when most employees are allowed to leave early, shops close around noon, and even public transport switches to night mode around 4 p.m.

In 2020 these are:
24 December (Thursday): Christmas Eve
31 December (Thursday): New Year’s

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