Hungary Hires Media Agency In U.S.

  • 22 Oct 2020 9:36 AM
  • Hungary Around the Clock
Hungary Hires Media Agency In U.S.
The Hungarian embassy in Washington has hired a person named David Reabol for $35,000 to ensure favourable coverage of leading Hungarian politicians in US media, Szabad Európa reports.

His task is to generate positive media coverage for Hungary and counter negative media coverage.

It is also his task to build a network of writers and experts in order to generate at least five articles or interviews with senior Hungarian government officials each month.

The contract with Reabol’s firm Strategic Improvisation is in force from September 25 to December 20, 2020.

This is not the first time that the Orbán cabinet has hired lobbyists to present the government in a more favourable light in the US. The website Átlátszó calculates that Hungary spent Ft 970 million on US lobbyists in 2018.

Outgoing US ambassador David Cornstein has said that Orbán’s image is negative in the US because the media there is “very liberal”.

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