Fight for Low Utility Fees to Continue, Says PM Orbán

  • 25 Nov 2021 7:18 AM
  • Hungary Matters
Fight for Low Utility Fees to Continue, Says PM Orbán
The government is committed to its "endless" fight to keep public utility prices low and the upcoming elections will not change that, the prime minister said at a ceremony marking the 15th anniversary of the Nézőpont Institute.

“There’s us who reduced utility fees and work to keep them low and then there are others that say that it is not reasonable and we should let the market regulate them,” Viktor Orbán said.

He warned that if the principles in “liberal textbooks” became government practice the cost of living could rise. Highlighting Nézőpont, Orbán said that the pollster “usually predicts the results correctly” in view of the past three general elections.

He said that election victories, especially subsequent ones, required a lot of work, adding that “one does not have a two-thirds majority by accident, especially twice or three times one after another”.

On another subject, Orbán said that the period after former PM Ferenc Gyurcsány’s contested 2006 “Őszöd Speech” was “an era of lies” and quoted George Orwell as saying that “telling the truth in such an era is a revolutionary deed”.

Nézőpont, founded in 2006, therefore, “could well be considered a revolutionary organisation, which dared to say that two and two made four when everybody else trumpeted the opposite,” Orbán said.

MTI Photo: Szilárd Koszticsák

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