Delivering a Merrier Xmas to Those in Need in Hungary: MikulásGyár

  • 25 Nov 2021 2:59 PM
Delivering a Merrier Xmas to Those in Need in Hungary: MikulásGyár
MikulásGyár is open between 9 and 21 December in 2021 for the sixth time at two locations in Budapest to collect donations in order to offer a Merrier Xmas for 200.000 children. Helping needy families and children is the plan of this humanitarian event.

The locations: 
Budapesti 56-osok tere 09.00 -  21.00, 
Pólus Center 10.00 - 19.00  

Mikulásgyár makes no distinction between people, and they do not ask why anyone is hungry. If you can, please help, in the spirit of  Mikulásgyár: humanity and solidarity.

The Mikulásgyár mainly expects non-perishable food, cleaning products and toiletries, and sweets as donations. It is important to emphasize that those in need are in need of non-perishable food, so if you have the opportunity, bring as much canned food, pasta, flour, sugar, rice, fries, apples, oil, drinking water, sweets as possible.

With the help of Magyar Posta, this year, once again, those living in the smallest settlements will have the opportunity to help those in need with donations as the holidays approach. 

Supporters can place their donations in a closed box at most post offices between December 1st and December 21st.

Donations are accepted free of charge at most post offices nationwide, and on the sealed boxes you only need to  write  (in capital letters) Mikulásgyár.

Detailed program of the Mikulásgyár Tent in Budapest available here

Source and list of post offices where you can place your box:

Text proofread by Szilvia Molnár, a professional freelance writer, travel expert, mom of two, and admitted coffee addict. Though not necessarily in that order. Connect with her on LinkedIn or read about her latest travel experiences on the Exploration Lounge website.

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