To Tackle Energy & Climate Crisis Opposition LMP Tables Green Proposals in Hungary

  • 15 Jul 2022 11:30 AM
  • Hungary Matters
To Tackle Energy & Climate Crisis Opposition LMP Tables Green Proposals in Hungary
Opposition LMP has put together a package of green proposals aimed at tackling the energy and climate crisis, Máté Kanász-Nagy, the party’s co-leader, announced.

The package includes lifting all bans and restrictions on the installation of renewable energy systems. Kanász-Nagy noted at a press conference the ban on the construction of wind farms in Hungary, “even though there’s a need for wind power”.

LMP is also calling for the launch of a building insulation scheme based on social considerations, geared towards those with below-average income, he said.

The package also includes a subsidy scheme for the installation of renewable energy systems which would help cut utility costs, Kanász-Nagy said, also urging the immediate introduction of a “climate pass” for public transport.

Meanwhile, Kanász-Nagy called on the government to scrap the upgrade of the Paks nuclear plant, saying that “every forint spent on the project is money out the window”. He said Wednesday’s announcement that caps on household electricity and gas prices will be limited to average consumption levels was an “admission on the government’s part that they completely wasted the last 12 years”.

“The energy crisis isn’t a question of if but when,” he said, adding that a transition to renewable energy sources could have prevented its harmful effects.

MTI Photo

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Launched in January 2014, this newsletter published on week days covers 'everything you need to know about what’s going on in Hungary and beyond', according to its publisher the state media agency MTI.