War Augurs ‘Rise in Migration, Terrorism’, Says Hungarian Foreign Minister

  • 21 Oct 2022 6:32 AM
  • Hungary Matters
War Augurs ‘Rise in Migration, Terrorism’, Says Hungarian Foreign Minister
The global food crisis caused by the war in Ukraine could lead to a rise in migration waves which could then be infiltrated by members of terrorist organisations, the foreign minister has said.

Péter Szijjártó told a meeting of the working group of the global coalition fighting the Islamic State terrorist group dealing with foreign fighters that even when international attention is being focused on the war in Ukraine, other security challenges must not be forgotten.

Terrorist organisations always try to use such unstable situations to their advantage, Szijjártó said, noting that Islamic State leaders had recently called for new attacks to be carried out in Europe. This was why, Szijjártó said, it was crucial to end the armed conflict in Ukraine as soon as possible.

Szijjártó also noted that Russian and Ukrainian grain exports were critical to the food supply of countries that were “already prone to instability”.

“It is a lot easier for extremist ideologies to spread in times of famine,” Szijjártó said.

“Violence rears its head, which leads to serious emigration waves, creating the best breeding ground for terrorism” adding that migration waves could be infiltrated by terrorists.

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