Bookshop in Budapest Fined for Displaying LGBTQ+ Graphic Novel

  • 17 Jul 2023 8:53 AM
  • Hungary Matters
Bookshop in Budapest Fined for Displaying LGBTQ+ Graphic Novel
The Government Office of Budapest has levied a “consumer protection fine” of 12 million forints on book chain Líra Könyv for breaking the law by displaying Heartstopper by British author Alice Oseman.

The office said it had established that the book “depicts homosexuality, and, even so, was displayed among books for children classified as youth literature; neither were the books distributed in closed packaging.”

Its statement said the office took strict action to protect children “against businesses that do not comply with the law in all cases”.

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Launched in January 2014, this newsletter published on week days covers 'everything you need to know about what’s going on in Hungary and beyond', according to its publisher the state media agency MTI.

  • Booksellers of Budapest: ISBN Books + Gallery

    Booksellers of Budapest: ISBN Books + Gallery

    • 13 Mar 2023 5:59 AM

    The idea was to create a space with two main functions: contemporary art bookshop and a nonprofit project gallery. – HLO spoke to Bea Istvánkó, the owner of ISBN books + gallery, an independent contemporary art bookstore and gallery space in Budapest's eighth district.