After Weekend Storm, Lives, Property Protected in Hungary

  • 9 Aug 2023 11:44 AM
  • Hungary Matters
After Weekend Storm, Lives, Property Protected in Hungary
The Hungarian authorities have successfully protected lives and property after the past weekend’s storm during which a month’s worth of rain deluged most of the country, a government official said.

Investments in flood protection, firming up dams and new equipment for disaster prevention were instrumental in protection efforts, Bence Rétvári, interior ministry parliamentary state secretary told a press conference.

The government has set aside a force majeure fund of 2.6 billion forints (EUR 6.7m) available to local councils that submit claims within seven days of a natural disaster, he noted.

MTI photo: Zoltán Mihádák

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Launched in January 2014, this newsletter published on week days covers 'everything you need to know about what’s going on in Hungary and beyond', according to its publisher the state media agency MTI.