Penalise Companies Firing Hungarians from Jobs Filled by Foreign Guest Workers, Demands Jobbik

  • 1 Mar 2024 8:38 AM
Penalise Companies Firing Hungarians from Jobs Filled by Foreign Guest Workers, Demands Jobbik
Companies that fire Hungarians and employ guest workers in the same job should pay back government grants with interest, according to a bill proposed by the opposition Jobbik party.

The repayments should be used to fund the training, housing and family support of Hungarians, Jobbik lawmaker Dániel Z Kárpát told a press conference.

“Guest workers could be sent home altogether from certain sectors if inactive Hungarians can be reintegrated into the labour market, and if Hungarians working abroad can be persuaded to come home,” he said.

Rather than “streamlining the arrival of guest workers”, the government should work on ensuring the livelihood of Hungarians in their homeland, he added.

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