50+ Foreign Diplomats Accredited to Hungary Briefed About Upcoming EP & Local Elections

  • 30 Apr 2024 6:55 AM
  • Hungary Matters
50+ Foreign Diplomats Accredited to Hungary Briefed About Upcoming EP & Local Elections
The presidents of the National Election Office (NVI) and the National Election Committee (NVB) briefed foreign diplomats accredited to Hungary about the European Parliament elections set for June 9 and the municipal and minority self-government elections also to be held on the same day, the two organisations said in a joint statement.

NVI head Attila Nagy gave an outline of the tasks of election offices, Hungary’s election law, election system and its provisions regulating the three election procedures.

NVB head Róbert Sasvári gave a presentation about the duties of the election committees and basic rules on legal remedy. The briefing was attended by close to 60 diplomats representing more than 45 countries.

Meanwhile, Mi Hazánk Gathers Required Number of Signatures to Run in EP Elections

Opposition Mi Hazánk has collected the required number of signatures to run in the European Parliament elections, Dóra Dúró, the party’s deputy leader, told a press conference on Monday, declaring that the radical party wanted to build a “Hungarian future instead of a globalist dictatorship”.

So far the party has double the 20,000 signatures required by law and handed in around 30,000 to the National Election Office, the first of the opposition parties to do so, Dúró said.

She insisted that her radical nationalist party received the least amount of media coverage at both the local and national level, and was second in line to Fidesz in terms of the number of proposed local council candidates, also with 1.5 times as many candidates as the leftist Democratic Coalition in third place.

MTI Photo: Nándor Veres

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Launched in January 2014, this newsletter published on week days covers 'everything you need to know about what’s going on in Hungary and beyond', according to its publisher the state media agency MTI.