'Mother, Father And Me', Festival Square, Until 13 May

  • 3 May 2010 1:00 AM
'Mother, Father And Me', Festival Square, Until 13 May
"This thematic exhibition by the Society of Children’s Authors and Illustrators is linked to mother’s day. Illustrations for fairytale books depict the relationship between parents and child(ren).

The creators have undertaken to narrate through pictures, showing as diverse a range of problems and life situations as possible, how adults relate to their children, and how children see their parents.

The exhibition pictures were submitted through a competition. The Society of Children’s Authors and Illustrators think its important for illustrations of children’s books to be of an artistic standard.

This exhibition, which is part of the Children’s Literature Festival and Fair, wishes to communicate this message to artists, the audience and publishers."

Source: Palace Of Arts Budapest

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