Nobel Laureate Kertész Says Hungary Today In Same State As During Communist Era

  • 10 Feb 2012 8:00 AM
Nobel Laureate Kertész Says Hungary Today In Same State As During Communist Era
"Viktor Orbán has enchanted Hungary like the Pied Piper of Hamelin, and the country is in the same state today as during the rule of János Kádár, Nobel Prize-winning writer Imre Kertész asserts in an interview with the French newspaper Le Monde.

The government places itself in opposition to Europe in the name of defending Hungarian interests, Kertész said, adding that this may look like a return to sovereignty, but is just another mistake.

He asserted that democracy has never prevailed in Hungary as an organic process mobilising the entire society, rather than just as a political system.

Speaking about hatred of Jews and Roma, Kertész said this is essential to a simple-minded image of the nation."

Source: Hungary Around the Clock

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