Hungarian Parties Fidesz And Socialists Exchange Barbs

  • 15 Aug 2012 9:00 AM
Hungarian Parties Fidesz And Socialists Exchange Barbs
Prime Minister Viktor Orban has damaged Hungary's reputation with several recent remarks, and the damage can be measured in forints, Socialist MP Istvan Jozsa charged. He said primarily the extension of the financial transaction tax to the MNB damaged Hungary's image but Orban's description of Hungarians as a semi-Asian people and his other July 26 statement ”let us hope that God will help us and we will not have to invent a new type of political system instead of democracy” were also “own goals”.

Jozsa said the Socialists call for an economic turnaround that would make it possible for Hungary to reach an agreement with the IMF as soon as possible to stabilise the economy and the forint in the long term.

In response, Fidesz spokeswoman Gabriella Selmeczi said she sincerely wishes that Jozsa would instead watch the Olympics, root for Hungarian athletes and be happy with their successes, as everyone will be better off that way.

Source: Hungary Around the Clock

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