Rumours Speak Of Cabinet Changes In Hungary

  • 3 Jan 2013 8:00 AM
Rumours Speak Of Cabinet Changes In Hungary
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán wants to persuade deputy prime minister Tibor Navracsics to take the seat of Foreign Minister, while Economy Minister György Matolcsy is most likely to head the central bank from March, according to widely circulated rumours.

A government official speaking on condition of anonymity told news website Index that Orbán would like Navracsics to replace János Martonyi, but Navracsics refuses to leave the Administration and Justice Ministry.

Unspecified Fidesz politicians said Matolcsy stands the greatest chance of succeeding András Simor when his term as governor of the National Bank ends in March.

Orbán is unlikely to reveal his choice before the last minute, Index added, citing Fidesz sources.

If Matolcsy moves to the MNB it is conceivable that IMF negotiator Mihály Varga could succeed him. Others say that ambassador to the UK János Csák and Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry president László Parragh are also potential successors to Matolcsy.

Source: Hungary Around the Clock

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