Budapest Zoo Expansion Project To Start In Feb

  • 25 Jan 2014 9:00 AM
Budapest Zoo Expansion Project To Start In Feb
Budapest Zoo director Miklós Persányi will symbolically receive the keys to an adjoining 6.5-hectare area that currently houses an amusement park, and the zoo expansion project will be read to begin in February, daily Népszava reported. As a result of the expansion project, the zoo, which currently occupies an area of 10.7 hectares, will almost reach its original size of 18 hectares at the time of opening in 1866, the paper said.

Some of the vintage features of the amusement park will be preserved after the expansion, including the merry-go-round which is more than a hundred years old and the wooden roller coaster.

A large glasshouse is planned to be built to present the old fauna of the Pannon Sea.


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