Authorities Not Allowing Migrants Into Budapest’s Main Intl Railway Station

  • 2 Sep 2015 4:00 AM
Authorities Not Allowing Migrants Into Budapest’s Main Intl Railway Station
The authorities are continuing to prevent migrants from entering Budapest’s Keleti railway station, MTI’s correspondent at the site said on Wednesday morning. All entry points to the station are manned by police. Train services are running, however, and ordinary passengers are being allowed onto platforms. The sunken plaza in front of the station and areas surrounding the station are full of migrants.

Around 50-100 were demonstrating and shouting “Syria”, “Germany” and UN. Migrants also demonstrated along the train tracks at Budapest’s Kőbánya-Kispest station, prompting police intervention.

The group objected to being put on a train to the city of Debrecen’s reception centre. An MTI correspondent at the site said up to 100 migrants occupied platform with police among them.

Asylum-seekers who have submitted an application at this stage of the asylum process may move freely in Hungary, according to a statement by the police headquarters (ORFK).

But they must report at a reception centre within 24 hours for their request to be examined, it added.

Source - Visit Hungary Matters to sign-up for MTI’s twice-daily newsletter.

MTI photo: Mihádák Zoltán

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