Xpat Opinion: Survey On Anti-Semitism In Hungary

  • 25 Apr 2016 9:00 AM
Xpat Opinion: Survey On Anti-Semitism In Hungary
Commenting on a recent study on anti-Semitism and xenophobia, a centrist columnist thinks that many Hungarians have misgivings against minority groups in general, rather than Jews in particular.

The Medián polling company published a report on anti-Semitic and other prejudice in Hungary. The survey found that few Hungarians follow news related to the Jews, but 23 per cent are characterized by anti-Semitism, while another 12 per cent tend to believe anti-Jewish stereotypes, without having negative feelings against Jews.

The percentage of the two groups combined is highest among Jobbik voters (59 per cent), followed by Fidesz voters (41 per cent), and MSZP voters (24 per cent).

The report underlines that anti-Semitism is a manifestation of broader prejudices, and anti-Jewish attitudes are even less strong than prejudice against other groups.

Those with anti-Semitic sentiments also have negative attitudes towards other ethnic minorities, homosexuals and even skinheads. The most rejected are migrants: 78 per cent of the respondents would not want a migrant as a neighbour. 74 per cent would not like a skinhead to move in next door. The rate of rejection is 71 per cent for Arabs, 68 per cent for Roma, 57 per cent for Homosexuals, 49 per cent for Romanians, 31 per cent for Jews and 23 per cent for Hungarians from Transylvania.

In Magyar Nemzet, Albert Gazda finds it peculiar that anti-Semitic attitudes are weaker than prejudice towards other groups. Given that roughly one fourth of the respondents would prefer not to have a Hungarian from Transylvania or an American as a neighbour and 74 per cent dislike skinheads, the 31 per cent rejection rate for Jews is comparatively low, Gazda notes.

He also finds it surprising that 41 per cent of Jobbik supporters are not even moderately anti-Semitic, and that anti-Semites comprise 18 per cent of Democratic Coalition and LMP voters.

Source: BudaPost

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