Fidesz - KDNP Demand To Know Subject Of Soros Talks With Brussels Leaders

  • 2 May 2017 7:00 AM
Fidesz - KDNP Demand To Know Subject Of Soros Talks With Brussels Leaders
The governing alliance of Fidesz-KDNP is demanding to know what George Soros talked about at secret meetings with the European Union’s top leaders over two days, a lawmaker of the Christian-Democrats (KDNP) said.

István Hollik said Soros was in Brussels to put pressure on Hungary. Soros and Brussels want Hungary to give up its sovereignty on the matter of immigration policy and not stand in the way of “EU leaders’ plan to flood Europe with migrants”, he said.

Hungary will never give in to this kind of pressure, he said. Hungarians can send the same strong message with the national consultation, he added.

“What are politicians, who are supposed to be representing European people, doing meeting behind closed doors, in institutions established to serve the citizens of Europe, with a person who acquired his wealth by attacking European people, European countries, European currencies and European banks?” he asked.

Republished with permission of Hungary Matters, MTI’s daily newsletter.

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