Local Opinion: New ’Peace March’ Scheduled For 15 March

  • 2 Mar 2018 1:47 PM
  • BudaPost
Local Opinion: New ’Peace March’ Scheduled For 15 March
As leading government supporters announce a mass walk in Budapest for the anniversary of the 1848 revolution, a critic of the government thinks Fidesz cannot simply trash its anti-Soros campaign, although it realises its drawbacks.

Fidesz has denied reports that it has scrapped its Stop Soros campaign after it proved ineffective in the Hódmezővásárhely mayoral election. Meanwhile, prominent pro-government luminaries have announced their plan to hold a new ‘Peace March’ in support of the government side less than a month before the parliamentary election. The last ‘Peace March‘ was held four years ago.

On Válasz, István Dévényi thinks the government side has invested too much in their anti-Soros campaign to scrap it altogether with just five weeks to go before the election. He agrees with one of the initiators of past Peace Marches, András Bencsik, who said on Monday that “the elementary school level Soros-bashing should be stopped, as the Hungarian voter is more intelligent than that”.

Nevertheless, Dévényi is sure that the anti-Soros campaign will continue right up to election day. In fact, in its official appeal calling on supporters to join the rally on March 15, the Civic Unity Forum (CÖF) argued that ‘Soros’s people would transform Hungary into a country of immigrants’. In response, they have no choice but to ‘stand up for our country’.

The commentator believes stopping the ‘Stop Soros’ campaign now would have a discouraging effect on pro-government voters.

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