Majority Of Hungarians Optimistic About Hungary’s Future

  • 25 Apr 2018 1:00 PM
  • Hungary Matters
Majority Of Hungarians Optimistic About Hungary’s Future
Fully 53% of Hungarians think the country’s economic and general situation will improve in the next four years, while 31 and 32% expect them to deteriorate, respectively, a new survey by the Nézőpont Institute shows.

Over 90% of supporters of the ruling Fidesz-Christian Democrat alliance were optimistic about the country’s future development.

Of radical nationalist Jobbik’s voters, 20% trust that the country’s general situation will improve and 29% expect the economy to do so. Among leftist voters, optimists account for 24 and 28%, respectively, the survey showed.

Fully 80% of respondents expect progress in the country’s fight against the mandatory resettlement quota for asylum seekers, 75% think family allowances will be expanded, 72% hope for progress in protecting the country’s sovereignty, 71% in governmental stability and 64% in financial and economic stability, the pollster said.

The survey was conducted between April 14 and 23 over the phone, on a representative sample of 1,000 adults.

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