Socialists Elect Bertalan Tóth Party Leader

  • 19 Jun 2018 6:55 AM
  • Hungary Matters
Socialists Elect Bertalan Tóth Party Leader
The opposition Socialist Party’s congress on Sunday elected Bertalan Tóth party chairman. Tóth garnered 54% of the votes, while Attila Mesterházy, the other candidate, was supported by 46% of the party delegates.

After his election, Tóth said that he would seek to build a “cooperative party which represents traditional leftist values relentlessly”, one which “believes in solidarity, justice, equal opportunities and national cohesion”.

He added that his party should be a “real community” and “offer hope by protecting those persecuted by the establishment”.

He also said that the Socialists should “implacably criticise” the government and become “the driving force” for a government change.

Tóth said it was inevitable that his party should “face the past”.

He argued that Hungary’s Left had been “lazy” and failed to “express and promote its own truth” while ruling Fidesz promoted a “post-fascist world view” and made it popular.

MTI Photo: Bruzák Noémi

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