VéNégy Festival Draws Record Crowd

  • 10 Jul 2018 8:56 AM
  • Hungary Matters
VéNégy Festival Draws Record Crowd
The 6th VéNégy Festival, a closing event of Hungary’s rotating Visegrad Group presidency, drew a record crowd of more than 10,000 people during its run between July 5 and 8.

The event featured concerts and theatre performances, giving Hungary, the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia the chance to showcase their most exciting young talents, organisers said in a statement.

Like last year, Ukraine was again included in the V4 theatre cooperation. It was represented by the Voskresinnia Theatre, which performed street theatre plays in the evenings. Slovakia took over the V4 presidency from Hungary on July 1.

MTI Photo: Koszticsák Szilárd

Related links

Video: V4 International Theatre Festival In Vác

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