Local Opinion: European Parliament Vote Still Dominates News

  • 19 Sep 2018 8:42 AM
  • BudaPost
Local Opinion: European Parliament Vote Still Dominates News
A pro-government economist describes the European Parliament vote against Hungary as an attack by global liberal elites on Hungary and national sovereignty. A left-wing commentator believes that the EU wants to defend Hungarian national interests and democracy from the attack they are under from the government.

In Magyar Hírlap, László Bogár interprets the EU vote against Hungary as an important battle betweenglobal elites and national governments that put sovereignty and national interest first. The pro-government economist thinks that liberal democracy is nothing other than the dictatorship of global elites operating in secrecy.

He suggests that liberal “global dictatorship” threatens the world both in an environmental and cultural sense through consumerism and multiculturalism which both poison the Earth. If global liberal democrats win the 2019 EU Parliamentary Election, Europe and the world face inevitable destruction, Bogár concludes.

Népszava’s Róbert Friss, on the other hand, accuses PM Orbán of waging a war on democracy. The left-wing columnist writes that the Prime Minister damns all his critics as supporters of global migration and enemies of the nation.

On the contrary, Friss suggests that the EP vote against Hungary was fully justified, and its intentions to defend democratic institutions in Hungary – which is also the national interest of the country.

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MTI Photo: PM'S press Office Szecsődi Balázs

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