Hungarian President Áder Sets Date Of EP Elections For May 26

  • 2 Mar 2019 7:29 AM
  • Hungary Matters
Hungarian President Áder Sets Date Of EP Elections For May 26
President János Áder has set the date of the European parliamentary elections in Hungary for May 26, the president’s office said.

This is the fourth occasion Hungarians will decide on their parliamentary deputies in the EP.

“In pursuance of my constitutional duty, in line with European Union regulations and the provisions of our Fundamental Law, I have set the date of the European parliamentary elections in Hungary for May 26, 2019,” the president wrote.

Áder said the elections will give all Hungarians with voting rights the chance to influence the future of the European Union for the next five years.

Hungary will again send 21 deputies to the legislative body.

MTI Photo: Komka Péter

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