Divers In Budapest Prepare Hableány For Crane

  • 7 Jun 2019 6:52 AM
  • Hungary Around the Clock
Divers In Budapest Prepare Hableány For Crane
Divers have begun welding under the water and are pulling breast-ropes under the sunken tourist boat Hableány, in preparation for an attempt to raise it to the surface.

Work aimed at raising the wreckage began on Wednesday and the divers are setting up points of connection on the Hableány.

However, the current in the Danube remains unusually strong, visibility is poor and the Danube is not ebbing as expected.

The water level actually rose yesterday, preventing the crane ship Clark Ádám from floating downstream to the accident site.

The water is expected to recede from today, but it may be next week before the crane can be deployed, Index writes.

MTI Photo: Mónus Márton

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