South Korea PM Expresses Thanks For Hungary’s Efforts Over Danube Ship Collision

  • 12 Jun 2019 8:21 AM
  • Hungary Matters
South Korea PM Expresses Thanks For Hungary’s Efforts Over Danube Ship Collision
South Korean Prime Minister Lee Nakyeon has sent a letter to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán thanking him for his condolences sent over the Danube ship collision and the Hungarian government for its support, Orbán’s press chief said.

The tragic accident has deeply saddened the Korean people, Lee Nak-yeon said, expressing thanks to the Hungarian government for its active support and cooperation.

He said that the precaution and support showed during operations to find and rescue those who went missing had given the Korean government and the country’s people great hope and consolation.

The South Korean premier said he sincerely hoped that the joint efforts to overcome the situation would further strengthen the friendship and mutual trust between the two nations.

MTI Photo: Máthé Zoltán

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Video: Wreck Of Sightseeing Boat Raised In Budapest - Timelapse Film Shows Recovery

Video: Police Reveal Details Of Investigation Into Danube Boat Tragedy

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