Flu Epidemic Hits Hungary

  • 30 Jan 2020 6:00 AM
  • Hungary Around the Clock
Flu Epidemic Hits Hungary
The number of patients seeking treatment for influenza-like symptoms crossed the epidemic threshold in the fourth week of January, the National Public Health Centre reports.

Across Hungary, 0.1786% of the population visited doctors with flu-like symptoms, above the epidemic threshold of 0.1435%.

The increase in flu complaints was observed all over the country. The highest number of cases were reported in Pest and Győr-Moson-Sopron counties and Budapest, and the lowest in Csongrád, Somogy and Tolna counties.

The number of referrals for influenza almost tripled in Veszprém county in one week and more than doubled in Csongrád and Tolna counties.

More than 33% of patients were children under the age of 14 and more than 36% were young adults aged 15-34.

Another 23% are 35-59 years old, while more than 7% were over 60 years of age.

Currently, some hospitals in Budapest, Baranya, Fejér, Heves, Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok and Pest counties have total or partial bans on visits.

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