Video: Boss Of People-Smuggling Gang Caught In Budapest

  • 8 Oct 2020 12:08 PM
  • Hungary Around the Clock
Video: Boss Of People-Smuggling Gang Caught In Budapest
The leader of a Syrian-Hungarian people-smuggling gang was caught on Tuesday after a nine-month investigation, police announced yesterday.

The investigation was launched by Bács county police after a man identified only as Attila E. was caught near Jakabszállás on January 14 after smuggling five Syrian migrants across the country in the trunk of his vehicle.

Police established that the people-smuggling was co-ordinated by a woman, Mrs. Károly O.A., who was captured on June 16. In a search of her home, police found further evidence about the other members of the gang.

The gang members transported mostly Syrian and Afghan migrants across Hungary from the Serb-Hungarian border region to Austria on at least 33 occasions between October, 2019 and January, 2020.

Three to six people were transported on each occasion. Organisers paid drivers €120-250 for every migrant smuggled.

The head of the gang, a Syrian identified as A.F., was caught at his residence in Budapest on October 6.

Photo - for illustration purposes only: MTI - János Bugány 

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