Gov’t Discussing Proposal To Withdraw Emergency Powers

  • 26 May 2020 8:08 AM
  • Hungary Matters
Gov’t  Discussing Proposal To Withdraw Emergency Powers
The chief focus of Monday’s cabinet meeting is a bill on rescinding the government’s emergency powers, Judit Varga, the justice minister, said on social media.

The bill will be submitted to parliament on Tuesday, she noted today, adding that the opposition had not voted on the relevant law in response to the novel coronavirus epidemic submitted to parliament more than two months ago.

Varga said Hungary had got beyond “a very dangerous and hard period”, during which the government had received “no help from opposition”. “Instead of giving support … the opposition mounted an unprecedented disinformation campaign, together with the mainstream liberal media, in Hungary and internationally,” she said, calling on people spreading fake news about the government to apologise to the Hungarian people.

Varga said the government would carry on drafting next year’s budget “so Hungary can get past problems on the labour market and in the economy swiftly and return to healthy growth…”

MTI Photo: Noémi Bruzák

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