Two Dutch Men Sentenced To 5 Years For Drug Trafficking At Sziget Festival

  • 30 Jun 2020 9:39 AM
  • Hungary Matters
Two Dutch Men Sentenced To 5 Years For Drug Trafficking At Sziget Festival
Two Dutch men were sentenced to five years in prison for selling drugs at the Sziget music festival in 2019, the Budapest Municipal Court said.

The two 23-year-olds were arrested at the 2019 festival on Budapest’s Hajógyári Island.

Large amounts of marijuana and MDMA pills were seized from them, along with evidence of trafficking and cash, the court said.

After the two men pleaded guilty at the Monday hearing, the court sentenced them to five years in prison and expelled them from Hungary for four years.

The ruling is not binding. The prosecution has appealed for a harsher sentence, the court said.

Related links

Police Probe Into Dutch Drug Suspects At Sziget Festival Finally Concluded

Video: Police Make Biggest Drug Haul In Sziget History

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