Hungary Seven Places Up On 'Healthy Life Years' List

  • 14 Aug 2020 7:54 AM
  • Hungary Matters
Hungary Seven Places Up On 'Healthy Life Years' List
Hungary has improved its position by seven places over ten years on a list of countries ranked by the number of healthy life years expected at birth prepared by Eurostat, human resources ministry state secretary Bence Rétvári said.

Rétvári, who is also deputy leader of the allied ruling Christian Democrats, said the number of healthy life years is an indicator for the quality of life, showing the number of years expected to be free of illness and health deterioration.

Since 2010, the situation has improved significantly in Hungary, with the figures currently showing 3.6 more healthy life years expected at birth.

In 2010, healthy life years at birth was estimated at 58.6 for women and 56.3 for men in Hungary, as against the current figures of 61.8 years for women and 60.4 years for men, he added.

Hungarians currently expect 61.1 healthy life years, which is 3.6 years more than in 2010, Rétvári said. The increase in Hungary has been twice as fast as the European Union average, he added.

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