Relaxing Restrictions Requires 2,5 Million Hungarians Jabbed, Says PM Orbán

  • 20 Mar 2021 7:16 AM
  • Hungary Matters
Relaxing Restrictions Requires 2,5 Million Hungarians Jabbed, Says PM Orbán
Coronavirus-related restrictions could be eased when the number of vaccinated Hungarians reaches 2.5 million, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán told public Kossuth Radio on Friday morning.

Current restrictions will remain in place unchanged for at least one more week from Monday, the prime minister said. He added that the decision had been made for one week only, because “much could change in a week”.

He also said that Easter could be a risky period because the spread of the epidemic was linked to the number of contacts people made. Increasing the number of vaccinations is the most important means of protection, he said.

Currently four or five times as many people get vaccinated every week as the number of new infections, he added. Orbán said the vaccination roll-out must be quick and this requires access to vaccines.

Since 500,000 fewer doses of AstraZeneca vaccines are scheduled to arrive over the next two months than originally agreed, the same amount of Eastern vaccines need to be acquired in order to maintain the original vaccination schedule, Orbán said.

Talks are under way and chances are good that the missing AstraZeneca vaccines can be replaced with Chinese and Russian jabs, he added.

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Updated: Current Restrictions Will Remain In Place For At Least Another Week

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Launched in January 2014, this newsletter published on week days covers 'everything you need to know about what’s going on in Hungary and beyond', according to its publisher the state media agency MTI.