Gellért Hill Funicular Should Be Public Project, Says DK

  • 13 Aug 2021 2:19 PM
  • Hungary Matters
Gellért Hill Funicular Should Be Public Project, Says DK
The opposition Democratic Coalition (DK) supports plans to build a funicular on Gellért Hill on condition that it is carried out as a public investment, if the number of trees cut is kept at a minimum and tourist buses are banned from the area, Deputy Mayor Erzsébet Gy. Németh, of DK, said.

Gy. Németh told an online press conference that a recent feasibility study revealed that the government is planning to cut some 100 trees, clearing the hillside in a 20-metre wide band.

The cabinet has made the planned construction a priority project and “according to some rumours, the construction could end up going to a Fidesz-friendly businessman”, she added.

The general assembly of Budapest, however, has not yet made a decision, and the government “cannot touch” any part of Budapest without the preliminary approval of the metropolitan assembly, she said.

MTI Photo: Szilárd ​​​​​​​Koszticsák

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