Fidesz Nominates Katalin Novák For Hungary’s Next President

  • 22 Dec 2021 8:53 AM
  • Hungary Matters
Fidesz Nominates Katalin Novák For Hungary’s Next President
Ruling Fidesz is nominating Katalin Novák, the minister for family affairs, for Hungary’s next president, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán announced on Tuesday.

Novák said in response on Facebook that she accepted the nomination. In her post, she said she was ready to “represent Hungary and serve the whole Hungarian nation with faith, soul, and heart”.

Incumbent President János Áder’s second term will expire on May 10 next year. Under the constitution, the same person cannot be elected president for a third term.

In his international press conference, Orbán voiced regret that the constitution restricted the president’s tenure to two terms, adding that Fidesz, of which he is chairman, had tendered its nomination.

Speaking to public media in the afternoon, Novák said it was an “honour” to accept the nomination.

“For me, Hungarian families and Hungarian children are the most important, and I will continue to work for them in future,” she said, adding that she would take inspiration and gain strength from her family supporting her and her faith in God.

“If I am elected as Hungary’s first female president, I will represent Hungary and will seek to represent the whole nation,” she said. Novák said the incumbent president was a flagbearer advocating the issue of protecting the created world.

“It is for me equally important that we be able to give our Planet Earth back to our children and grandchildren in a better shape than how it was when we inherited it,” Novák said.

“But in order to achieve that goal, we first need to have children and grandchildren.”

MTI Photo: Gergely Botár

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Hungary Matters

Launched in January 2014, this newsletter published on week days covers 'everything you need to know about what’s going on in Hungary and beyond', according to its publisher the state media agency MTI.

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