Hungarians’ Security Paramount, Says PM Orbán

  • 25 Feb 2022 7:22 AM
  • Hungary Matters
Hungarians’ Security Paramount, Says PM Orbán
Hungary must stay out of the military conflict between Russia and Ukraine, Viktor Orbán has said.

“What matters most to us is the security of the Hungarian people,” the prime minister said, adding this meant that sending either troops or military equipment to Ukraine was “out of the question, though we will, of course, provide humanitarian aid”.

Meanwhile, Orbán said Hungary condemned Russia’s attack on Ukraine.

“Together with our European Union and NATO allies, we condemn Russia’s military attack,” Orbán said, adding that he believed Europe would remain united on the issue and could adopt joint response measures, noting that EU leaders were holding an emergency summit to discuss the conflict in the evening.

He also said that Hungary has deployed troops and police officers near the border with Ukraine.

He added that Hungary could expect to receive an increasing number of Ukrainian refugees. “We are prepared to provide care to them and we’ll be capable of meeting this challenge quickly and effectively,” he said.

Orbán said the government rejected proposals by the left-wing parties which he said endangered Hungary’s energy and gas supply and threatened caps on household utility bills.

MTI / PM's Press Office Photo:  Zsoltán Fischer

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Hungary Matters

Launched in January 2014, this newsletter published on week days covers 'everything you need to know about what’s going on in Hungary and beyond', according to its publisher the state media agency MTI.