Hungarian Opposition LMP Party Deputy Fined for Abuse of Office

  • 19 Mar 2022 6:45 AM
  • Hungary Matters
Hungarian Opposition LMP Party Deputy Fined for Abuse of Office
A Budapest court on Friday fined opposition LMP lawmaker Márta Demeter 1.8 million forints (EUR 4,800) on charges of abusing her office.

According to the charges, Demeter had acquired information concerning the movements of the Hungarian military back in 2018, and suggested that a military aircraft had carried one of the daughters of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán from Cyprus to Hungary.

An investigation, at the time, however, found that a Hungarian soldier, also named Orbán, and his family had been among passengers of that flight.

Apart from falsely claiming that the aircraft had carried a family member of the prime minister unlawfully, Demeter also “disclosed data that could not be published out of the public interest”, the prosecutor said when pressing charges against the deputy.

MTI Photo: Zoltán Máthé

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