900 Foreign Observers Registered by Hungarian National Election Office

  • 4 Apr 2022 6:46 AM
  • Hungary Matters
900 Foreign Observers Registered by Hungarian National Election Office
The National Election Office (NVI) registered some 900 foreign observers for Sunday’s general election. According to figures published on the NVI website, 235 observers represented the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe’s democratic institutions and human rights office (ODIHR) and 102 for the parliamentary assembly of OSCE.

The European Network of Election Monitoring Organizations (ENEMO) sent 275 observers and Danish organisation Silba (Support Initiative for Liberty and Democracy) 49.

Embassies and other organisations have also delegated observers to Hungary’s election.

The number of foreign observers registered for the general election four years ago was around 150.

MTI Photo: Zsolt Szigetváry

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