Hungarian Gov’t Official, VOX MEP Visit Aid Points On Ukraine Border

  • 4 Apr 2022 6:36 AM
  • Hungary Matters
Hungarian Gov’t Official, VOX MEP Visit Aid Points On Ukraine Border
Hungary is willing to help all refugees arriving from Ukraine but must stay out of the war, the state secretary for church and minority relations said when visiting aid points on the Hungarian-Ukrainian border with a delegation of the Spanish Vox party on Saturday.

Miklós Soltész, who also heads Hungary’s National Humanitarian Coordination Council, and the delegation headed by Vox MEP Jorge Buxadé visited aid points in Beregsurány, Lónya and Barabás and delivered donations to each.

Hungary has received some 550,000 refugees in the past 40 days, Soltész said, and praised the contributions of charity organisations and localities near the border.

Over 870 million forints (EUR 2.4m) in donations have flowed in from private citizens, he added.

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