Gov’t to Submit Bill on Extending War-Related Special Legal Order in Hungary

  • 7 Jun 2022 10:40 AM
  • Hungary Matters
Gov’t to Submit Bill on Extending War-Related Special Legal Order in Hungary
The government will submit to parliament a bill on extending the state of emergency in view of the armed conflict in neighbouring Ukraine, the Government Information Centre (KTK) said on Friday.

The government declared a war-related special legal order effective of May 25 to be able to respond to the security, humanitarian and economic consequences of the war with swift decision-making and legislation including defence and utility cut measures, KTK said.

“The government aims to maintain Hungary’s peace and security and protect the Hungarian economy and people from the harmful effects of the economic, inflationary and energy crisis caused by the war.”

By passing the draft decree, parliament will authorise the government to enact further measures and reinforces government decrees containing emergency measures enacted until the bill enters into force, KTK said.

MTI Photo: Tibor Illyés

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