New Study: Half of Hungarians See Orbán As Most Suitable PM

  • 21 Feb 2023 10:30 AM
  • Hungary Matters
New Study: Half of Hungarians See Orbán As Most Suitable PM
Fully 49% of Hungarians view Viktor Orbán, the incumbent prime minister, as the politician most suitable to head the government, according to a recent survey conducted by the Nézőpont institute and published.

Nézőpont gauged the public’s opinion after several opposition leaders held annual speeches evaluating the state of the country last week.

Viktor Orbán was trailed by Klára Dobrev, an MEP of the opposition Democratic Coalition, of whom 13% of respondents said she would be most suitable to govern the country, Nézőpont said.

László Toroczkai, leader of the radical Mi Hazánk (Our Homeland) party, came third with 7% support, followed by Anna Donáth, an MEP of the Momentum party, with 6%.

Nézőpont called it “a rather unfavourable result” for the opposition that 27% of left-wing voters were unable to choose whom they would prefer as prime minister from among the opposition politicians.

The pollster noted that Donáth “has managed to win the support of only 12% of left-wing voters, while Dobrev, her chief rival, of more than one-third, or 37%”.

“The results show that the left-wing prime ministerial candidates are rivals not of Viktor Orbán, but of one another,” the pollster said. The survey was conducted by phone on a sample of 1,000 between February 13 and 15.

Photo: courtesy of Nézőpont

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