Will Hungary Meet 2030 Climate Targets Even Earlier Than Planned?

  • 11 Dec 2023 12:22 PM
  • Hungary Matters
Will Hungary Meet 2030 Climate Targets Even Earlier Than Planned?
Hungary has “done its homework” and could meet its climate targets earlier than 2030, Csaba Lantos, the energy minister, told the United Nations’ 28th climate conference in Dubai.

The energy ministry quoted Lantos in a statement as highlighting Hungary’s significantly reducing its emissions while maintaining economic growth.

Hungary has reduced its greenhouse emissions by 37% since 1990, and is planning a 40% reduction by 2030.

The government has now proposed to increase the reduction to 50% by the target year, the ministry’s statement said.

Hungary is also planning to increase the ratio of green energy to 21% by 2030, but its new strategy, now awaiting EU approval, has increased that target to 29%, the ministry added.

The Hungarian government “is taking firm and effective measures aimed at adapting to climate change and mitigating its harmful effects”, Lantos said, but added that “successful action is only possible within international cooperation … Making requirements more and more stringent will only have a point if all participants can meet their commitments”.

The minister also noted that over two-thirds of the EU funding Hungary is to receive under its national recovery plan had been earmarked for measures serving domestic climate targets and green transition.

MTI Photo: Zoltán Máthé

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