Hungarian Opinion: New Poll Shows Slump in Support for Fidesz

  • 26 Apr 2024 1:35 PM
  • BudaPost
Hungarian Opinion: New Poll Shows Slump in Support for Fidesz
An independent political observer has reservations about the latest opinion poll which suggests that Fidesz lost 10 percentage points from its voting base, while a pro-government pundit calls these data manipulated.

Závecz polling company reports that Fidesz is still by far the strongest party with 25 percent of all eligible voters behind it and 33 percent of the decided voters, if an election were held this Sunday. DK ranks second with 18 and 28 percent respectively.

Péter Magyar’s brand-new TISZA party is supported by 11 percent of the total electorate which would yield it 14 percent of the popular vote. CEO Tibor Závecz 
told Népszava that if Fidesz won less than 10 seats (as his data suggests) in the European Parliament in June (instead of the current 13), that would be tantamount to a ‘political landslide’.

Index quotes independent political analyst Gábor Török who admits finding it ‘difficult to believe these numbers’. He concedes that political life has been in turmoil for the past two months but recalls that Fidesz has never gained less than 50 percent of the vote in European elections for the past 15 years. ‘We have no choice but to wait and see’, he said.

Mandiner features a Facebook post by pro-government analyst Dániel Deák who remarks that left-leaning pollsters have regularly overstated the influence of the opposition since 2010.

They systematically reported a virtual draw in support for the two sides in the run-up to the elections – and Fidesz won a landslide victory each time. “Elections must be approaching’, he writes, if Závecz comes forward with such figures.

This opinion does not necessarily represent the views of or the publisher.

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