Punnany Massif MASSIF Concert, Budapest Park, 18 May


Punnany Massif MASSIF Concert, Budapest Park, 18 May
Our earthly existence is a constant rush compared to eternity. Start, finish, grab, achieve, seek, spend, live, grow, progress, rewrite yourself, solve, deadlines, goals, speed up! In the captivity of perceived or real futures, we chase our desires at the expense of the present. The constant hurry is the breeding ground for mental and physical ailments. No good.

Slowing down the pace of the rat race allows time for reflection, contemplation, and making responsible decisions. Slowly rushing is the antechamber of thoughtfulness; you consciously head somewhere, but at least you don't rush it.

Whatever tempo characterizes you, change is an inherent part; it's just the signposts that matter. Along these lines of thought, Punnany's new seeds are taking shape, which will come together here in this concert.
Place: Budapest Park
Address: 1095 Budapest, Soroksári út 60.
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