Shell Hungary Temporarily Closes Some Filling Stations in Budapest & Around Country

  • 29 Jul 2022 11:05 AM
  • Hungary Around the Clock
Shell Hungary Temporarily Closes Some Filling Stations in Budapest & Around Country
Shell is temporarily closing five of its 193 filling stations in Hungary from August 1, in order to increase the security of supply, the subsidiary of the multinational oil company announced yesterday.

In addition, a station in Mosonmagyaróvár and another in Debrecen will be accessible only to corporate clients from August 3.

Two of the filling stations to be closed are in Budapest, one in Dabas, one in Székes¬fehérvár, and one in Pápa. The station in Dabas closes on July 29.

Shell said the temporarily closings will enable it to increase its logistics efficiency.

The basic Shell FuelSave brand will continue to be available at the official Ft 480 per litre price at all stations.

The composition of Shell V-Power Diesel will change due to supply problems.

Shell V-Power Racing fuel will continue to be available in its usual composition.

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